Komprimierung testen

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Moderatoren: Kristian, tester_änderung

XL Berater
XL Berater
Beiträge: 214
Registriert: 12. Mai 2021, 20:35

Komprimierung testen

Beitrag von baldock »

weiß jemand, wie man die Kompression auf einem XL500R richtig testet?

Welche Lektüre sollte ich bekommen?
XL Guru
XL Guru
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Re: Komprimierung testen

Beitrag von Gunnar_HH »

No, it is difficult to measure. Warm engine, full throttle, kick hard without auto decompression.

Compression ratio is not measured compression!
When compressing by kicking, the temperature increases and the measured value should be higher.
The compression ratio of the XL500 engines is 8.6 to 1 with normal pistons.

A good measured compression should be above 10.
Below 8 I would worry about what is wrong with the piston, cylinder or piston rings.
If you have a high compression piston (with dome), then the combustion chamber must be measured. And the compression ratio must be recalculated. The measured compression is then also significantly higher. Better petrol is needed (100 octane).

Maybe Hiha can help.

Best regards
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XL Berater
XL Berater
Beiträge: 214
Registriert: 12. Mai 2021, 20:35

Re: Komprimierung testen

Beitrag von baldock »

Thanks Gunnar.

I haven't had a chance to do any more on my bike as very busy at the moment.

However, I had a concern after reading a recent post where others members talked of how hard there bikes were to kick over.

Mine is quite easy, yet it has a new rebore and new genuine Honda piston and rings.

I would have thought mine would have been like everyone else or even harder to kickstart.

So if I buy a compression tester, they read in either PSI or BAR. Is the 8/10 you mention BAR???
XL Guru
XL Guru
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Re: Komprimierung testen

Beitrag von hiha »

So I'm not shure how "other members" kick their XL, but if they have to kick against compression, I fear they are kicking the wrong way. :lol:
Anyway: With a tester you measure the pressure which occurs while kicking. Not more and not less. So it doesn't matter if it's bar or psi.
My 2cent: I never measure compression on a single. If the kick-lever comes down slow, everything is alright.
More information gives a "druckverlusttest" , where you give airpressure to the combustion chamber via a spark plug adapter. You can measure how fast pressure gets lost, and you can listen WHERE it gets lost.
XL Berater
XL Berater
Beiträge: 214
Registriert: 12. Mai 2021, 20:35

Re: Komprimierung testen

Beitrag von baldock »

Gute Nachrichten! Ich habe die Dekompressionskabel richtig eingestellt und jetzt ist die Kompression genau so, wie sie sein sollte. Wahrscheinlich zu viel, um mit meinen dünnen Beinen anzufangen.