Has anyone repaired a speedo before?

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XL Berater
XL Berater
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Has anyone repaired a speedo before?

Beitrag von baldock »

I've finally managed to get hold of an MPG speedo for the XL500R (very rare), and the best part is it was free!!!!

The only problem with it is the trip counter.

Water appears to have got through a hole in the rubber around its shaft and made a build up of a white chalky substance. This has expanded over time and split the rubber.

I scraped the 'chalk' away and the shaft looks like its made of steel with splines around its end. I had assumed it would have been aluminum because of the white corrosion. The split bit of rubber that you can see with the chalk just fell off, leaving an undamaged circle of rubber underneath that stops water getting inside the case.

Anyway, the shaft is relatively undamaged and works the trip counter when turned. However, the plastic knob looks like it should have a short black rubber tube glued into the middle. I think it was then just pushed over the shaft to hold it in place.

I still have the KMH speedo and have tried to pull off its undamaged knob, but it won't budge.

Does anyone know if I am right in thinking this is how it goes together?

I don't want to ruin the original speedo by pulling off the knob if I'm wrong,

I also thought of drilling out the split rubber inside the plastic knob and gluing in a new bit to push onto the splined shaft.
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XL Guru
XL Guru
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Re: Has anyone repaired a speedo before?

Beitrag von Gunnar_HH »

Use something like this, it works for more than 20 years at my speedometer.
Cheers Gunnar
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